MentorMe Nigeria

Enhancing top talent - developing future leaders

About MentorMe

MentorMe Nigeria is a platform that provides opportunity for young individuals (especially penultimate and final year undergraduates) to receive mentorship. Regardless of their social status, we believe every willing young person should have access to quality mentorship. Our platform pairs mentees with mentors in similar fields for a Six (6) months of guided mentorship.

Our mentorship program is comprehensive and designed to develop and improve academic performance, entrepreneurial spirit and prowess, professional, social and networking skills. Both Mentors and mentees will benefit immensely from the program. The mentors will contribute to building potential leaders in their fields, while the mentee will receive quality and life-moulding professional advice and exposure to better shape them.


Experienced Mentors


Onboarded Mentees


Applications received


Mentorship Hours

Our Mission

To provide a comprehensive platform for young people to access quality mentoring relationships that offer guidance and opportunities in academic, professional, and entrepreneurial development.

To help young people attain desired growth and development in academics, professions and entrepreneurship through quality mentoring relationships.

Our Vision

Contact us

Interested in partnering with us or would like to be part of the program?